Nude Sophia - Lux Occulta
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Nude Sophia Lyrics
With this ring I thee wed
with two-cleft tongue I baptize thy fleshin this wine I wash the dirt
off my angel wings
wedding poles once opposite
purest alchemyriding golden lizards
wearing human meat
crowned three times with Three
she joined my dream
inseminating her thousand wombs
with burning drops of liquid light
giving life to new
Circles Orbits Spheres
Monads Objects Soulswith this blade I shall teach you
perfidious luxury of love
in this dance I surrender to the Might
Fertility Divinethe passion fades away
as the dagger melts in her holy wound
I'm getting closer and closer
white sore sun swallows the darkthe beginning is the end
we are separated again
like a walnut chopped in half