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Precious Ace - Lucid 3

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Precious Ace Lyrics

I don't like the game
That everyone is watching me play
I don't like to lose
It seems like an awkward waste of time
I feel stuck here
Singing these songs for all these years
I just hope one day
They culminate and make their way into your range
Let's start the race
Although my foot keeps slipping on acceleration
I'm trying not to notice
The arena is full, spectators o'erlooking
My fists clenched tight
My eyes are closed
Will they stand and applaud
If I trade my gold?

Who will shine?
Our glory will arrive
Who will win to everyone's surprise?
Maybe I won't race, I won't compete
My tracks will be made out, the daunting speed
Of my escape
I will disappear from view
I'll eliminate the rules
I will live by the virtue the way I choose
I will hide away from view
I will be out of sight from you
Who will shine?
Our glory will arrive
Who will win to everyone's surprise?
In my hand
I hold the precious ace
With its luck we'll win the game we play
Who will shine?
Our glory will arrive
Who will win to everyone's surprise?
In my hand
I hold the precious ace
With its luck I'll be the champion of the day
Lyrics submitted by Taylor Paki.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!