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S.P.A.R. - Jonny 5 & Yak

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S.P.A.R. Lyrics

(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
hyme wrapped up in a spar
I'm in the car,
trying to figure out who you are,
blinded, getting shot by the star.
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis Rhyme,
I check his style while he's flowing, seeing "How is his time?"
What place in his race did he take?
What face did he make when he crossed the line?
I know Andre's first on that list I had,
Aceyalone, the Brewin, and the Gift of Gab come next.

Then Grouch. Five top, done.
But I ex'em out cuz I forgot some.
Black Thought's one, Tupac is two, Then Lateef,
Then Pep love, Casual, Boots, and Kool Kieth.
Now I chose seven.
Anybody that I missed? Uh....Mos Def and Dead Prez, oh and Twista.
I guess they're just all fresh man I can't decide!
But no, Andre's the best and here's why:
He sings his verses, he means it when he curses.
He makes songs fly and escape from the earth.
His dreams deserve perfect dubbin so when he sleeps,
we keep the deep hope that he brings to the surface.
That's why it hurts on Aquemeni,
tenth track, when he attacks gay women, I
feel like a friend smacked me in the eye and started laughing.
That's exactly why the KKK's still standing.
I only made it through ten minutes when it's Khujo sayin to slay gays.
It's a sin. It's the worst obscenity. So what the fuck?
You avoid offendin the white boys with the buck,
but a gay black girl next door is your enemy?
You sellout! You're mentally stuck!
But luckily you never know when he'll be up for movement,
open the door, and find room for improvement.
Next album, second thoughts allowed, one question:
I'm payin attention but can I get some change?
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
hyme wrapped up in a spar
I'm in the car,
trying to figure out who you are,
blinded, getting shot by the star.
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis Rhyme,
I check his style while he's flowing, seeing "How is his time?"
What place in his race did he take?
What face did he make when he crossed the line?
Just words:
adjectives, nouns, and verbs;
interjections and brags that get slurred in expression
I heard street jams intersecting with beats,
I'm another rap nerd.
Blurred memory:
how did I discover that? Dirtily at first,
I heard at least a verse of Eazy-E cursing,
Never knew of nothin worse than him. Ben
had him. Adam brought him bursting in
x-rated, sending chills. And then Brenden
filled my whole head with de la soul is dead
So I said "Ohh I like that",
got into nice rap,
and I thought it was cooler than icecaps.
Oodles of guys trapped my attention.
I loved it.
Golden oldies overdubbed with Public Enemy
tellin us all not to drink.
I never wanted to either so I started to think:
They might be more in sinc
with pink people like me,
more likely to link.
They might be more like me
than goofy rock bands that blink
a hundred and eighty two times.
rhymes: I had to listen even when I didn't like a lot of the songs.
Sit up all night locked on
to hiphopsite.com.
To hear Grouch's new flow
all it took was a click.
On the hook was Khujo:
now I gotta tell Nic!
Another set of friends keepin track of the griots.
Another white kid lookin up to black heros.
Another one just messing with Andrew and Stephen.
But damn dude,
somehow now it's for real.
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
hyme wrapped up in a spar
I'm in the car,
trying to figure out who you are,
blinded, getting shot by the star.
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis Rhyme,
I check his style while he's flowing, seeing "How is his time?"
What place in his race did he take?
What face did he make when he crossed the line?
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis (R)
hyme wrapped up in a spar
I'm in the car,
trying to figure out who you are,
blinded, getting shot by the star.
(S)torytellin (P)oetry (A)nalysis Rhyme,
I check his style while he's flowing, seeing "How is his time?"
What place in his race did he take?
What face did he make when he crossed the line?
Lyrics submitted by Noob.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!