The Word of the Lord - Donald Lawrence & Co.
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The Word of the Lord Lyrics
The word of the Lord is great, eternal
And it shall last from age to age
The word of the Lord is great and powerful
He honors it above His nameThe word of the Lord is great, eternal
And it shall last from age to age
The word of the Lord is great and powerful
He honors it above His nameIn the beginning was the word
(The first chapter of John)
In the beginning was the word
And the word was God
(John 1 and 1)
In the beginning was the word
The word was God and the word was with God
(Still John 1 and 1)
Oh, but if I go over to Isaiah
What chapter speaks about how His word operates?
(Isaiah 55 and 11)(What does He say in Isaiah? He said)
So shall My word go forth and it shall not return void
Accomplish that which I please
Prosper in, in that thingThe word of the Lord is great, eternal
And it shall last from age to age
The word of the Lord is great and powerful
He honors it above His nameThe words I have spoken, they are spirit and they are life
(John 6 and 6, decree it)
I am learning active, always watchin' over my word to promote
(Jeremiah 1 and 12)
So shall My word go forth and it shall not return void
Accomplish that which I please
Prosper in, in that thingThe word of the Lord is great, eternal
And it shall last from age to age
The word of the Lord is great and powerful
He honors it above His nameThe word, the word, the word, the word
The word, the word, the word, the word
The word, the word, the word, the wordSo shall My word go forth and it shall not return void
Accomplish that which I please
Prosper in, in that thingThe word of the Lord is great and powerful
He honors it above His name
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