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Way Back Home - Lee Perk

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Way Back Home Lyrics

Be still my child, we'll overcome
The evil mind behind the bomb
So lift your hearts, open your minds
And leave no room for words unkind
Be still my friends, we'll overcome
The evil mind behind that bomb
You don't waste your words, I've already grown
I'm gonna find my way back home
Don't waste your words, I've already grown
I'm gonna find my way back home
Be still my friends, we'll overcome
The evil mind behind that bomb
Don't waste your words, I've already grown
I'm gonna find my way back home
Don't waste your words, I've already grown
I'm gonna find my way back home
Don't waste your words, I've already grown
I'm gonna find my way back home

Don't waste your words, I've already grown
And I'm gonna find my way back home
Way back home, way back home
My way back home

Enjoy the lyrics !!!