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Albuquerque - "Weird Al" Yankovic

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Way back when I was just a little bitty boy<br /> Living in a box<br /> Under the stairs<br /> In the corner of the basement<br /> In the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop<br /> You know the placeWell anyway,<br /> Back then life was going swell<br /> And everything was just peachy!Except of course for the undeniable fact<br /> That every single morning<br /> My mother would make me a big ol' bowl of<br /> Sauer kraut for breakfastDawww<br /> Big bowl of sauer kraut!<br /> Every single mornin'!<br /> It was driving me crazy!<br /> And I said to my mom,<br /> I said, "Hey, mom, what's up with all the sauerkraut?"And my dear, sweet mother,<br /> She just looked at me like a cow looks<br /> At an oncoming train<br /> And she leaned right down next to me<br /> And she said, "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!"And then she tied me to the wall<br /> And stuck a funnel in my mouth<br /> And force fed me nothing but sauer kraut<br /> Until I was twenty-six and a half years oldThat's when I swore that someday,<br /> Someday I would get outta that basement<br /> And travel to a magical, far away place,<br /> Where the sun is always shining<br /> And the air smells like warm root beer,<br /> And the towels are oh so fluffy!Where the shriners and the lepers<br /> Play their ukuleles all day long<br /> And anyone on the street<br /> Will gladly shave your back for a nickel!Wacka wacka, doo doo, yeah!Well, let me tell you, people,<br /> It wasn't long at all before my dream came true<br /> Because the very next day,<br /> A local radio station had this contest<br /> To see who could correctly guess the number<br /> Of molecules in Leonard Nimoy's buttI was off by three, but I still won the grand prize<br /> That's right, a first class, one-way ticket<br /> To Albuquerque!<br /> Albuquerque!Oh yeah<br /> You know, I'd never been<br /> On a real airplane before<br /> And I gotta tell ya<br /> It was really greatExcept that I had to sit<br /> Between two large Albanian women<br /> With excruciatingly severe body odor<br /> And the little kid in back of me<br /> Kept throwin' up the whole time<br /> The flight attendants ran out of<br /> Dr. Pepper and salted peanuts<br /> And the in-flight movie was Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore<br /> And, oh yeah, three of the airplane engines burned out<br /> And we went into a tailspin<br /> And crashed into a hillside<br /> And the plane exploded in a giant fireball<br /> And everybody died!<br /> Except for me. You know why?'Cause I had my tray table up<br /> And my seat back in the full upright position<br /> Had my tray table up<br /> And my seat back in the full upright position<br /> Had my tray table up<br /> And my seat back in the full upright positionAh-ha-ha-ha!<br /> Ah-ha-ha!<br /> Aahhh<br /> So I crawled from the twisted, burnin', wreckage<br /> I crawled on my hands and knees<br /> For three full days<br /> Draggin' along my big leather suitcase<br /> And my garment bag<br /> And my tenor saxophone<br /> And my 12-pound bowlin' ball<br /> And my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel!But finally I arrived at the world famous<br /> Albuquerque Holiday Inn!<br /> Where the towels are oh so fluffy!<br /> And you can eat your soup<br /> Right out of the ashtrays if you wanna<br /> It's okay, they're clean!Well, I checked into my room,<br /> And I turned down the A/C,<br /> And I turned on the SpectraVision,<br /> And I'm just about to eat<br /> That little chocolate mint on my pillow<br /> That I love so very, very much,<br /> When suddenly there's a knock on the doorWell, now, who could that be?<br /> I say, "Who is it?" No answer<br /> "Who is it?" There's no answer<br /> "WHO IS IT!?" They're not sayin' anythingSo finally, I go over<br /> And I open the door,<br /> And just as I suspected,<br /> It's some big, fat hermaphrodite<br /> With a flock of seagulls, haircut,<br /> And only one nostril<br /> Oh, man, I hate it when I'm right!So, anyway,<br /> He bursts into my room,<br /> And he grabs my lucky snorkel,<br /> And I'm like, "Hey, you can't have that!<br /> That snorkel's been just like a snorkel to me!"And he's like, "Tough!"<br /> And I'm like, "Give it!"<br /> And he's like, "Make me!"<br /> And I'm like, "'Kay!"So I grabbed his leg<br /> And he grabbed my esophagus<br /> And I bit off his ear<br /> And he chewed off my eyebrows<br /> And I took out his appendix<br /> And he gave me a colonic irrigation<br /> Yes indeed-y, you better believe it!And somehow in the middle of it all<br /> The phone got knocked off the hook<br /> And twenty seconds later,<br /> I heard a familiar voice<br /> And you know what it said?<br /> I'll tell ya what it said!It said, "If you'd like to make a call,<br /> Please hang up and try again<br /> If you need help,<br /> Hang up and then dial your operator<br /> If you'd like to make a call<br /> Please hang up and try again.<br /> If you need help<br /> Hang up and then dial your operator<br /> In Albuquerque!"<br /> Albuquerque!Well, to cut a long story short,<br /> He got away with my snorkel<br /> But I made a solemn vow<br /> Right then and there<br /> That I would not rest,<br /> I would not sleep for an instant,<br /> Until the one-nostrilled man<br /> Was brought to justice<br /> But first, I decided to buy some donutsSo I got in my car<br /> And I drove over to the donut shop<br /> And I walked on up to the guy behind the counter<br /> And he says, "Yeah, whaddaya want?"I said, "You got any glazed donuts?"<br /> He said, "Nah, we're outta glazed donuts."<br /> I say, "Well, you got any jelly donuts?"<br /> He said, "No, we're outta jelly donuts."<br /> I said, "You got any Bavarian cream-filled donuts?"<br /> He said, "No, we're outta Bavarian cream-filled donuts."<br /> I said, "You got any cinnamon rolls?"<br /> He said, "No, we're outta cinnamon rolls!"<br /> I said, "You got any apple fritters?"<br /> He said, "No, we're outta apple fritters!"<br /> I said, "You got any bear claws?"<br /> He said, "Wait a minute, I'll go check.""Naw, we're outta bear claws!"I said, "Well, in that case<br /> In that case, what do you have?"<br /> He says, "All I got right now<br /> Is this box of one dozen<br /> Starving crazed weasels."<br /> I said, "Okay, I'll take that."So he hands me the box,<br /> And I open up the lid,<br /> And the weasels jump out<br /> And they immediately latch onto my face<br /> And start bitin' me all overOh, man, they were just goin' nuts!<br /> They were tearin' me apart!<br /> You know,<br /> I think it was just about that time<br /> that a little ditty started goin' through my head<br /> I believe it went a little somethin' like this:DOH!<br /> Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me!<br /> Ohhh!<br /> No, get 'em off, get 'em off!<br /> Oh, oh God, oh God!<br /> Oh, get 'em off me! Oh, oh God!<br /> Ah, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!I ran out into the street<br /> With these flesh-eating weasels<br /> All over my face,<br /> Wavin' my arms all around<br /> And just runnin', runnin', runnin',<br /> Like a constipated wiener dogAnd as luck would have it,<br /> That's exactly when I ran into<br /> The girl of my dreams<br /> Her name was ZeldaShe was a caligraphy enthusiast,<br /> With a slight overbite,<br /> And hair the color of strained peachesI'll never forget<br /> The very first thing<br /> She said to me<br /> She said, "Hey,<br /> You've got weasels on your face."That's when I knew it was true loveWe were inseparable after that<br /> Aw, we ate together<br /> We bathed together<br /> We even shared the same piece<br /> Of mint-flavored dental floss<br /> The world was our burritoSo we got married,<br /> And we bought us a house<br /> And had two beautiful children,<br /> Nathaniel and Superfly<br /> Oh we were so very, very, very happy, oh yeahBut then, one fateful night,<br /> Zelda said to me, she said,<br /> "Sweetie pumpkin?<br /> Do you wanna join the Columbia Record Club?"<br /> I said, "Woah! Hold on now, baby!<br /> I'm just not ready for that kind of a commitment!"So we broke up,<br /> And I never saw her again<br /> But that's just the way things go<br /> In Albuquerque!<br /> Albuquerque!Anyway, things really started<br /> Lookin' up for me,<br /> Because about a week later<br /> I finally achieved my lifelong dream<br /> That's right, I got me a part-time job<br /> At the Sizzler!I even made employee of the month<br /> After I put out that grease fire<br /> With my face!Aw yeah, everybody was pretty jealous<br /> Of me after that<br /> I was gettin' a lot of attitude.Okay, like one time,<br /> I was out in the parkin' lot,<br /> Tryin' to remove my excess earwax<br /> With a golf pencil,<br /> When I see this guy Marty<br /> Tryin' to carry a big ol' sofa<br /> Up the stairs all by himself.So I-I say to him,<br /> I say, "Hey, you want me to help you with that?"<br /> And Marty, he just rolls his eyes<br /> And goes, "No, I want you to cut off my arms and legs with a chainsaw!"So I did.And then he gets all indignant on me<br /> He's like, "Hey, man, I was just being sarcastic!"<br /> Well, that's just great.<br /> How was I supposed to know that?<br /> I'm not a mind reader,<br /> For cryin' out loudBesides, now he's got<br /> A really cute nickname - Torso-Boy!<br /> So what's he complaining about?Say, that reminds me of another amusing anecdote<br /> This guy comes up to me on the street<br /> And he tells me he hasn't had a bite<br /> In three daysWell, I knew what he meant,<br /> But just to be funny,<br /> I took a big bite<br /> Out of his jugular vein<br /> And he's yelling and screaming<br /> And bleeding all over,<br /> And I'm like, "Hey, come on, don'tcha get it?"<br /> But he just keeps rolling around on the sidewalk,<br /> Bleeding and screaming, "Aaaahhhh! AaaaahhhhOhhhhh! Aaaaahhhh!"<br /> You know, completely missing<br /> The irony of the whole situation<br /> Man, some people just can't take a joke, you know?Anyway, um...<br /> Where was I?<br /> Kinda lost my train of thought.Uh, well, uh, OK, anyway,<br /> I-I know it's kind of a roundabout way<br /> Of saying it, but,<br /> I guess the whole point I'm tryin' to make here isI HATE SAUERKRAUT!That's all I'm really tryin' to say<br /> And, by the way,<br /> if one day you happen to wake up<br /> And find yourself in an existential quandry,<br /> Full of loathing and self-doubt<br /> And wracked with the pain and isolation<br /> Of your pitiful meaningless existence,<br /> At least you can take a small bit of comfort<br /> In knowing that somewhere out there in this<br /> Crazy ol' mixed-up universe of ours,<br /> There's still a little place<br /> Called Albuquerque!<br /> Albuquerque!<br /> Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)<br /> Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)<br /> Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)<br /> Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)I said A! (A!)<br /> L! (L!)<br /> B! (B!)<br /> U! (U!)<br /> ... querque! (querque!)(Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque)<br /> (Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque)<br /> (Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque)<br /> Al...buquerque!<br /> *burp*Lyrics provided by TANCODEhttps://damnlyrics.com/" readonly=""/>

Albuquerque Lyrics

Way back when I was just a little bitty boy
Living in a box
Under the stairs
In the corner of the basement
In the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop
You know the placeWell anyway,
Back then life was going swell
And everything was just peachy!Except of course for the undeniable fact
That every single morning
My mother would make me a big ol' bowl of
Sauer kraut for breakfastDawww
Big bowl of sauer kraut!
Every single mornin'!
It was driving me crazy!
And I said to my mom,
I said, "Hey, mom, what's up with all the sauerkraut?"And my dear, sweet mother,
She just looked at me like a cow looks
At an oncoming train

And she leaned right down next to me
And she said, "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!"And then she tied me to the wall
And stuck a funnel in my mouth
And force fed me nothing but sauer kraut
Until I was twenty-six and a half years oldThat's when I swore that someday,
Someday I would get outta that basement
And travel to a magical, far away place,
Where the sun is always shining
And the air smells like warm root beer,
And the towels are oh so fluffy!Where the shriners and the lepers
Play their ukuleles all day long
And anyone on the street
Will gladly shave your back for a nickel!Wacka wacka, doo doo, yeah!Well, let me tell you, people,
It wasn't long at all before my dream came true
Because the very next day,
A local radio station had this contest
To see who could correctly guess the number
Of molecules in Leonard Nimoy's buttI was off by three, but I still won the grand prize
That's right, a first class, one-way ticket
To Albuquerque!
Albuquerque!Oh yeah
You know, I'd never been
On a real airplane before
And I gotta tell ya
It was really greatExcept that I had to sit
Between two large Albanian women
With excruciatingly severe body odor
And the little kid in back of me
Kept throwin' up the whole time
The flight attendants ran out of
Dr. Pepper and salted peanuts
And the in-flight movie was Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore
And, oh yeah, three of the airplane engines burned out
And we went into a tailspin
And crashed into a hillside
And the plane exploded in a giant fireball
And everybody died!
Except for me. You know why?'Cause I had my tray table up
And my seat back in the full upright position
Had my tray table up
And my seat back in the full upright position
Had my tray table up
And my seat back in the full upright positionAh-ha-ha-ha!
So I crawled from the twisted, burnin', wreckage
I crawled on my hands and knees
For three full days
Draggin' along my big leather suitcase
And my garment bag
And my tenor saxophone
And my 12-pound bowlin' ball
And my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel!But finally I arrived at the world famous
Albuquerque Holiday Inn!
Where the towels are oh so fluffy!
And you can eat your soup
Right out of the ashtrays if you wanna
It's okay, they're clean!Well, I checked into my room,
And I turned down the A/C,
And I turned on the SpectraVision,
And I'm just about to eat
That little chocolate mint on my pillow
That I love so very, very much,
When suddenly there's a knock on the doorWell, now, who could that be?
I say, "Who is it?" No answer
"Who is it?" There's no answer
"WHO IS IT!?" They're not sayin' anythingSo finally, I go over
And I open the door,
And just as I suspected,
It's some big, fat hermaphrodite
With a flock of seagulls, haircut,
And only one nostril
Oh, man, I hate it when I'm right!So, anyway,
He bursts into my room,
And he grabs my lucky snorkel,
And I'm like, "Hey, you can't have that!
That snorkel's been just like a snorkel to me!"And he's like, "Tough!"
And I'm like, "Give it!"
And he's like, "Make me!"
And I'm like, "'Kay!"So I grabbed his leg
And he grabbed my esophagus
And I bit off his ear
And he chewed off my eyebrows
And I took out his appendix
And he gave me a colonic irrigation
Yes indeed-y, you better believe it!And somehow in the middle of it all
The phone got knocked off the hook
And twenty seconds later,
I heard a familiar voice
And you know what it said?
I'll tell ya what it said!It said, "If you'd like to make a call,
Please hang up and try again
If you need help,
Hang up and then dial your operator
If you'd like to make a call
Please hang up and try again.
If you need help
Hang up and then dial your operator
In Albuquerque!"
Albuquerque!Well, to cut a long story short,
He got away with my snorkel
But I made a solemn vow
Right then and there
That I would not rest,
I would not sleep for an instant,
Until the one-nostrilled man
Was brought to justice
But first, I decided to buy some donutsSo I got in my car
And I drove over to the donut shop
And I walked on up to the guy behind the counter
And he says, "Yeah, whaddaya want?"I said, "You got any glazed donuts?"
He said, "Nah, we're outta glazed donuts."
I say, "Well, you got any jelly donuts?"
He said, "No, we're outta jelly donuts."
I said, "You got any Bavarian cream-filled donuts?"
He said, "No, we're outta Bavarian cream-filled donuts."
I said, "You got any cinnamon rolls?"
He said, "No, we're outta cinnamon rolls!"
I said, "You got any apple fritters?"
He said, "No, we're outta apple fritters!"
I said, "You got any bear claws?"
He said, "Wait a minute, I'll go check.""Naw, we're outta bear claws!"I said, "Well, in that case
In that case, what do you have?"
He says, "All I got right now
Is this box of one dozen
Starving crazed weasels."
I said, "Okay, I'll take that."So he hands me the box,
And I open up the lid,
And the weasels jump out
And they immediately latch onto my face
And start bitin' me all overOh, man, they were just goin' nuts!
They were tearin' me apart!
You know,
I think it was just about that time
that a little ditty started goin' through my head
I believe it went a little somethin' like this:DOH!
Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me!
No, get 'em off, get 'em off!
Oh, oh God, oh God!
Oh, get 'em off me! Oh, oh God!
Ah, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!I ran out into the street
With these flesh-eating weasels
All over my face,
Wavin' my arms all around
And just runnin', runnin', runnin',
Like a constipated wiener dogAnd as luck would have it,
That's exactly when I ran into
The girl of my dreams
Her name was ZeldaShe was a caligraphy enthusiast,
With a slight overbite,
And hair the color of strained peachesI'll never forget
The very first thing
She said to me
She said, "Hey,
You've got weasels on your face."That's when I knew it was true loveWe were inseparable after that
Aw, we ate together
We bathed together
We even shared the same piece
Of mint-flavored dental floss
The world was our burritoSo we got married,
And we bought us a house
And had two beautiful children,
Nathaniel and Superfly
Oh we were so very, very, very happy, oh yeahBut then, one fateful night,
Zelda said to me, she said,
"Sweetie pumpkin?
Do you wanna join the Columbia Record Club?"
I said, "Woah! Hold on now, baby!
I'm just not ready for that kind of a commitment!"So we broke up,
And I never saw her again
But that's just the way things go
In Albuquerque!
Albuquerque!Anyway, things really started
Lookin' up for me,
Because about a week later
I finally achieved my lifelong dream
That's right, I got me a part-time job
At the Sizzler!I even made employee of the month
After I put out that grease fire
With my face!Aw yeah, everybody was pretty jealous
Of me after that
I was gettin' a lot of attitude.Okay, like one time,
I was out in the parkin' lot,
Tryin' to remove my excess earwax
With a golf pencil,
When I see this guy Marty
Tryin' to carry a big ol' sofa
Up the stairs all by himself.So I-I say to him,
I say, "Hey, you want me to help you with that?"
And Marty, he just rolls his eyes
And goes, "No, I want you to cut off my arms and legs with a chainsaw!"So I did.And then he gets all indignant on me
He's like, "Hey, man, I was just being sarcastic!"
Well, that's just great.
How was I supposed to know that?
I'm not a mind reader,
For cryin' out loudBesides, now he's got
A really cute nickname - Torso-Boy!
So what's he complaining about?Say, that reminds me of another amusing anecdote
This guy comes up to me on the street
And he tells me he hasn't had a bite
In three daysWell, I knew what he meant,
But just to be funny,
I took a big bite
Out of his jugular vein
And he's yelling and screaming
And bleeding all over,
And I'm like, "Hey, come on, don'tcha get it?"
But he just keeps rolling around on the sidewalk,
Bleeding and screaming, "Aaaahhhh! AaaaahhhhOhhhhh! Aaaaahhhh!"
You know, completely missing
The irony of the whole situation
Man, some people just can't take a joke, you know?Anyway, um...
Where was I?
Kinda lost my train of thought.Uh, well, uh, OK, anyway,
I-I know it's kind of a roundabout way
Of saying it, but,
I guess the whole point I'm tryin' to make here isI HATE SAUERKRAUT!That's all I'm really tryin' to say
And, by the way,
if one day you happen to wake up
And find yourself in an existential quandry,
Full of loathing and self-doubt
And wracked with the pain and isolation
Of your pitiful meaningless existence,
At least you can take a small bit of comfort
In knowing that somewhere out there in this
Crazy ol' mixed-up universe of ours,
There's still a little place
Called Albuquerque!
Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)
Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)
Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)
Albuquerque! (Albuquerque!)I said A! (A!)
L! (L!)
B! (B!)
U! (U!)
... querque! (querque!)(Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque)
(Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque)
(Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque)

Enjoy the lyrics !!!

Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovic (born October 23, 1959 in Downey, California) is an American singer-songwriter, music producer, actor, comedian, satirist, accordian player and kazooist. Yankovic is known in particular for his humorous songs that make light of popular culture and that often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts. Since his first-aired song parody in 1976, he has sold more than 12 million albums—more than any other comedy act in history—recorded more than 150 parody and original songs, and has performed more than 1,000 live shows.

Read more about "Weird Al" Yankovic on Last.fm.

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